Sunday, September 17, 2017

Week of 18-22 September 2017

1. This week there will be a quiz.  The answers won't be difficult for you, but remembering to write in complete sentences will.  Sentence fragments, sentences beginning with unreferenced pronouns, and sentences with end stops (meaning a period) will be marked as wrong.  This is a writing class, remember, not a multiple-guess class.

We tend to speak and write in fragments, but for professional writing tightly-structured and complete sentences are essential.  Pp. 191- 248 and 277 - 358 will help you review this fifth-grade concept.

2. Trees gave their lives for the handouts.  Read them. Keep them.

3.  Pp. 5 - 92 review writing concepts you learned in K-12.

4.  Pp. 93 - 190 continue these concepts and carry them forward in professional writing.

5. Develop a professional approach to study.  If you have your own room and a study table you are blessed; if you have to share space, well, study will be a challenge. 

Schedule study time for each day of the week, perhaps in fifteen-minute blocks.  If you establish a program for yourself and stick to it, most of your family and friends will respect that.

The MePhone is useful for accessing information, but a curse when you must process that information and make some sense of it.  The gadget is often a temptation to distraction, and you must resist it with strength and determination.

6. 21 September is the autumn equinox, about which many scientific observations and much poetry have been written.

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