Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12.18.2012, Fraternities and Sororities

People who want to hurt you are not your friends.

People who want to blindfold you are not your friends.

People who want to humiliate you are not your friends.

People who want to deprive you of your freedom are not your friends.

People who push you to drink are not your friends.

People who want to initiate you in any way are not your friends.

Hazing charges filed against 22 students in NIU fraternity death

Posted: Dec 17, 2012 5:27 PM CSTUpdated: Dec 18, 2012 9:24 AM CST
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - The Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and 17 fraternity leaders are facing charges for violating the Student Code of Conduct after the death of freshman David Bogenberger last month.

SEE: Exclusive Investigation: NIU student died after fraternity hazing event
David Bogenberger's blood alcohol level was .35--five times the legal limit--when his body was discovered inside the frat house on the NIU campus in DeKalb on November 2.

The 19-year-old freshman was pledging the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity in early November, when he went to a party called "Moms Night" or "Parents Night," where pledges were told to find their sponsors hiding in rooms throughout the frat house.

"Even if you're sick and know you can't drink anymore you kind of feel peer-pressured into it," says a Northern Illinois University student who asked us to protect his identity. "It's being forced to do things you don't want to do."

"Basically, you have to run a gauntlet of liquor, and doing whatever the girls tell you until you find the girl that's yours," the student explained. "It basically involves drinking two to five shots of liquor [per girl]."

On Monday, DeKalb police revealed that Bogenberger drank so much liquor at the party he went into cardiac arrest.

Police have charged five fraternity leaders with felony hazing: Alexander M. Jandick, 21; James P. Harvey, 21; Omar Salameh, 21; Patrick W. Merrill, 19; Steven A. Libert, 20.

"There was a pre-planned event that included the knowing and intentional provision of alcohol to people they knew were minors, and not only that, but in a short time period there was an expectation to drink a large amount of alcohol," explains Lt. Leverton with the DeKalb Police Department.
17 other fraternity and sorority members who were at the party have also been charged with misdemeanor hazing. Those include: Michael J. Phillip, Jr., 20; Thomas F. Costello, 20; David R. Sailor, 20; Alexander D. Renn, 19; Michael A. Marroquin, 20; Estevan A. Diaz, 22; Hazel A. Vergaralope, 21; Michael D. Pfest, 23; Andres Jiminez, Jr., 19; Isaiah Lott, 19; Andrew W. Bouleanu, 21; Nicholas A. Sutor, 19; Nelson A. Irizarry, 19; Johnny P. Wallace, 20; Daniel S. Post, 20; Nsenzi Salasini, 20; and Russ Coyner, 21.

Chicago attorney Peter Coladarci represents Bogenbergers parents, who recently moved from Palatine to Florida. Coladarci says David, who was a triplet, felt compelled to drink because he wanted to join the fraternity.

"He wanted to be liked. He wanted to be accepted. The terms that the fraternity placed on him were that he had to go through this," says Coladarci.

David Bogenberger's parents released a statement about the charges tonight.

It says, in part: "We have no desire for revenge. Rather, we hope that some significant change will come from David's death. Alcohol poisoning claims far too many young, healthy lives. We must realize that young people can and do die in hazing rituals. Alcohol-involved hazing and initiation must end."

When FOX 32 News began our investigation into David's death last month, not a single member of the Pikes fraternity was willing to talk.

Read more: http://www.myfoxchicago.com/story/20366906/hazing-charges-filed-in-niu-fraternity-death#ixzz2FQi6JkLN

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Final Exams Due NLT Tuesday Morning

8 December 2012

Via Blackboard, angryverbs.blogspot.com, and JHS counselor

To: all English 1301 students
From: M. Hall

Remember that all English 1301 exams, both Monday night class and the Tuesday / Thursday class, must be in my hands by 11:05 on Tuesday morning, 11 December.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

English 1301, Final Announcements for Autumn 2012

English 1301
M. Hall


Final Announcements for Autumn 2012

Because a number of the research paper grades were awful, I offered an extra essay, the college application essay, in an effort to help boost your average.  This was assigned before the Thanksgiving break, and is due no later than roll call on Monday for the Monday class, and roll call on Tuesday morning for the Tuesday / Thursday class.  Absence or tardiness will be no excuse – this paper was assigned three weeks ago. 

Because a number of the research paper grades were really awful, I am offering one last in-class, open-book, open-notes, help-each-other test on Monday evening for the Monday class and on Tuesday morning for the Tuesday / Thursday class in a second chance to help grades. 

These two offerings are wonderfully generous.  Be grateful.

Because of the lack of security in telephone and email communication, I will not release any grades except in person, and, indeed, will not have all the papers, essays, and tests graded until late next week.  You’ll have to wait for the official grade notices.

Most of the research paper grades (25% of your final grade, as per your syllabus) were very good, and some were outstanding; some were complete failures, and the question must be asked: how does someone fail a four-month assignment? 

We will begin the final exam (25% of your final grade, as per your syllabus) this week; you may turn it in on Monday or Tuesday of next week, and Tuesday morning at 11:05 will be the not-later-than date.   Depending on a friend to turn your final exam in for you or leaving it with someone in the office is not a good idea; I can grade only that which is in my hands: “There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip,” and so on.  You will have at least five days to complete this open-book, open-notes, help-each-other, take-it-home-if-you-wish exam; how can you not turn it in on time?  How can you possibly fail it?

This class comes with a limited warranty – I will be happy to read and make suggestions on papers you write for other classes in the future, but you must (this is a professional absolute) have the permission of the instructor.